Saturday, May 26, 2012

The Preacher and the Presidents: Billy Graham in the White House by Nancy Gibbs (Thumbs up)

Title: The Preacher and the Presidents: Billy Graham in the White House

Author:  Nancy Gibbs

Nancy Gibbs is Deputy Managing Editor at TIME magazine. Named by the Chicago Tribune as one of the ten best magazine writers in the country, she is the author of more than 130 TIME cover stories and now writes the back essay page. She won the National Magazine Award for the black-bordered special issue on September 11, 2001, and was the lead TIME writer on virtually every major news event from Oklahoma City to Hurricane Katrina, as well as the last five presidential campaigns.

Book Description:

No one man or woman has ever been in a position to see the presidents, and the presidency, so intimately, over so many years. They called him in for photo opportunities. They called for comfort. They asked about death and salvation; about sin and forgiveness.

At a time when the nation is increasingly split over the place of religion in public life, THE PREACHER AND THE PRESIDENTS reveals how the world's most powerful men and world's most famous evangelist, Billy Graham, knit faith and politics together.

Gort's Review (Thumbs up):

Fascinating account of the interaction Billy Graham had with every since Harry Truman. The fact that the Presidency is an overwhelming job, magnified their need for spiritual guidance during and after the Presidency. Sometimes we take for granted that we know all about historical figures. This book helps to explore the little known facts about their lives and the difficult decisions where they needed spiritual guidance.

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