Chess is a game for two players, one with the "White"
pieces and one with the "Black" pieces. At the beginning of the game,
the pieces are set up as seen below. (See diagrams below to identify
pieces.) These hints will help you to remember the proper board setup:
1. Opposing Kings and Queens go directly opposite each other.
2. The square in the lower right hand corner is a light one ("light on right").
3. The White Queen goes on a light square, the Black Queen on a dark square ("Queen on color").
White always moves first, and then the players take turns moving. Only one
piece may be moved at each turn (except for "castling," a special move
that is explained later). The Knight is the only piece that can jump
over other pieces. All other pieces move only along unblocked lines. You
may not move a piece to a square already occupied by one of your own
pieces. But you can capture an enemy piece that stands on a square where
one of your pieces can move. Simply remove the enemy piece from the
board and put your own piece in its place.
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