The following table provides the approximate value of the
chess pieces. We assign a value of 1 point to the basic unit, the pawn.
Of course, the king is not included in the table because, in a real
sense, it has infinite value.
Use the values in this table as a
rough guide. By that, I mean that a rook is roughly worth as much as a
knight and two pawns. A queen is worth approximately as much as a rook,
knight, and pawn. Two rook rooks are roughly equivilent to a queen plus a
pawn. Of course, in most situations, there are many other factors to
consider, especially the relative activity of the pieces.
Queen 9 points
Rook 5 points
Bishop 3+ points
Knight 3 points
Pawn 1 point
will also note that the bishop receives a value slightly greater than
the knight. The bishop is usually, though not always worth a bit more
than a knight. See the special section basic bishop strategy for more
information on why this might be so.
Note also that there are
many moments when it will be to your advantage to give up or "sacrifice"
some material in inorder to gain other advantages. By giving up a pawn,
you might gain an important square for your knight or an open file for a
rook. By giving up a rook or queen, you might be able to force
checkmate. You should therefore use this table of values only as a rough
guide and not as the sole consideration in your play.
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